You may interact with a variety of live creatures in the Minecraft world, such as cows, birds, fish, and chickens. If you’re a cat lover, there’s good news: you can tame cats to be your friends. However, how? Do not be concerned! To discover how to tame a cat in Minecraft and have fun with your favorite pet, read this post.
How to Play Minecraft and Tame a Cat
Finding a cat is the first step in taming it, but unlike other animals, cats are not seen wandering around; instead, you must locate them and take them to your homes. It’s also well knowledge that cats in Minecraft consume fish. You’ll need some raw salmon or fish from a local lake to tame your cat. Additionally, locate a cat, obtain raw fish, and tame them by following the steps listed below. The most popular and recent versions of the game for the Nintendo Switch, Xbox, Windows, iOS, and Android platforms are Minecraft Java and Bedrock, which are compatible with this page.
· Find a Cat
Black, British Shorthair, Calico, Jellie, Persian, Ragdoll, Red, Siamese, Tabby, Tuxedo, and White are the eleven different cat breeds that can be found in Minecraft. Additionally, there is a unique wild cat known as the ocelot that lives in jungles and is distinguished by its golden coat with black patches. Finding a village should be the first step in taming a cat.
One villager and four beds will make it easy to find the cat, and a cat will spawn in a village for every four beds. It’s crucial to locate a village that meets these criteria so that you can find a range of cats without encountering any difficulties. Around witch huts in wetlands, black cats can be spotted, and under a full moon, they can readily spawn.

· Acquire Uncooked Fish
To tame a cat, you must use raw cod or salmon, which can be made with three sticks and two strings to make a fishing rod. Once you have a fishing pole, locate a decent ocean for your water source. Since they perish after only a few strikes, you can quickly catch these fish by hunting them in the water.

· Use Minecraft to Tame a Cat
Once you’ve consumed enough raw salmon or cod, begin the process of taming a cat in Minecraft. Cats are generally afraid, therefore it’s best to approach them slowly while crouching or standing over them with food. The personality of the cat determines how many fish are needed to tame it. It usually needs two to three raw fish, but it could take less or more. Until you gain a cat’s trust, the easiest approach to tame it is to consistently serve it raw fish.
As you keep feeding your cat raw fish, you will see that red hearts will start to appear on their heads. After the cat has been tamed, the hearts will go and a red collar will show up on their necks, signifying that you now have a pet. Additionally, you must feed the cat until it begins to like you, so before you try to tame a cat, store up on fish. Once a cat has been thoroughly tamed, it will always go with you and do anything you do. Your cat can quickly teleport to a player who walks 12 blocks away, so don’t worry if you ever lose sight of them.

After being tamed, what will the cat do?
A domesticated cat may sleep with a player when they go to sleep, and if you’re lucky, your tamed cat will bring you presents when you wake up. Raw chicken, twine, rabbit’s feet, and other things might be included in the gifts. Additionally, as you will be the cat’s owner, you can train it to sit, stand, or follow you around. Alternatively, you may just tell your cat to sit inside the house if you want it to stay there. When you return, you will find your cat in the same spot you left it.
However, just like real cats, cats will sit on furnaces, chests, and other objects while they are at home, as well as climb on furniture. Giving them uncooked fish or shifting the blocks underneath them will make them move away if they get into something you don’t want them to ruin.

Five Advantages of Taming a Cat in Minecraft
There are numerous advantages to taming a cat in Minecraft, including the following: Cats are without a doubt the cutest animals in the game.
1: You will receive the Plethora of Cats accomplishment if you successfully tame 20 stray cats.
2: You will receive the achievement “A Complete Catalogue” if you successfully tame eleven different types of cats.
3: You will gain a Where Have You Been accomplishment if the cats continue to bring you gifts and you accept them.
4: In addition, since creepers dislike getting close to cats, taming a cat will help you keep them away. Additionally, this will benefit you in regions that are vulnerable to attacks.
5: Passive mobs, they are ideal traveling companions in hazardous environments.
Q: In Minecraft, how can one develop a friendship with a cat?
A: Developing a bond with a cat in Minecraft requires patience and time. Some minor methods to do this include spending time with your cat, interacting with it, and feeding it healthy food.
Q: Why won’t my cat tame in Minecraft?
A: Your cat may not be tamed in Minecraft for a variety of reasons. To start, make sure you are holding raw fish, approach the cat cautiously, and wait a few minutes since it may take some time for your cat to trust you.
Final Thoughts
With any luck, this tutorial on taming a cat in Minecraft will make your favorite game even more enjoyable. You may quickly create a true and devoted buddy by your side that contributes to the gameplay’s excitement and fun with a little perseverance and some raw fish. You can make a new furry buddy in your Minecraft game by taming a cat.