Etong a company that makes small portable Mobile Homes that can be set up just about anywhere they’ve done projects by the beach in national parks and even near Hot Springs their standard T30 cabin is built on a frame made of galvanized steel pipes and is pretty small just 28 square m it’s meant for no more than two people but they’ve still managed to fit in a balcony and a nice looking design that reminds you of space movies it has water and electricity hookups too the T30 weighs around 8 tons making it safe to transport on a trailer on public roads you can get one of these houses for about 35,00000.
Mobile Homes AlphaGo s6

It can be difficult to reach the most beautiful camping spots with a large trailer but a small one may not offer enough Comfort fortunately Alpha go has a solution to this problem their line of camping trailers is packed with convenient features when closed the S6 looks like a regular 4.7x 1.9x 1.6 M single axle trailer it can handle rough terrain like potholes mud and rocks thanks to its eight blade leaf spring suspension and 265 mm wide allterrain R16 tires once it reaches its destination the S6 expands adding a meter to its length and 2 and 1 half to its height providing enough space for six people the trailer also has a kitchenette for cooking and an HD projection system with a 60in screen for entertainment its cost is $25,100.
Mobile Homes Hauslein Tiny House

Hauslein means little house in German it’s not a very exciting name so why did Forbes and Business Insider write about it the reason is that they designers want to change the way we live the idea is to travel the world while feeling at home the house line measures 9x 2 1/2 by 4.3 M and weighs no more than 4 1/2 tons so it can be driven on public roads at least in its home country of Australia it comes with standard features like lighting furniture and Plumbing people who own campgrounds will be interested in these houses as well the Top Model can sleep up to six people but it comes at a cost starting at $80,000.
Mobile Homes Genius House Boat

Show off your knowledge to your friends by telling them about this type of floating home known as a houseboat the model on the screen is from Germany and stands out among others because of its wood-filled interior and relatively small size of 11.2x 3.9 M this makes it perfect for use in Inland Waters and it can easily pass through small locks like many boats it only needs one outboard motor to move inside it feels like a small but cozy apartment with a double bed a kitchen and a shower and on the roof you can have parties or enjoy the view.
Mobile Homes Air Aquila Tent

The air Aquila tent follows a unique 10x 10×10 principle it can be inflated in just 10 minutes and can fit up to 10 people despite only having 10 square meters of interior space it’s also quite comfortable even in temperatures as low as -40° C with a heater that can be used safely inside because the floor is fireproof when set up correctly the tent can withstand winds up to 80 kmph however using this tent requires both physical and financial effort it weighs 95 kg when packed and costs $6,650.
Mobile Homes Over Land (ish)

The base camp tent is perfect for adventures in any weather making it a great choice for any occasion the designers have taken something that was already good and made it even better with the V2 version this model has an increased internal height of 2 m and weighs only 27 kg yet it can still still fit up to six people in its 9 squ m space one of the best features of this Mobile Homes is its three layer insulation which keeps you cool in the summer and warm in the winter the tent’s clever design allows you to pack it up in just a minute with a bit of practice this portable home away from home will cost you at least $1,030.