iPhone 15 Rumored that compatibility to Support a New Charging Port

Next month, in September, the much anticipated iPhone model 15 is anticipated. That might have a quicker speed charging port—a feature absent from all previous iterations of the iPhone.

There are rumors in the media that the bottom of the upcoming iPhone might have a USB Type C charging connector. Additionally, iPhones may receive a 35W recharge, which allows for a higher charging rate. Unfortunately, it is still unknown if 35W charging will be compatible with all iPhone models or just the iPhone 15 pro versions.

Every laptop that was sold in the preceding few years, along with Android and iPad devices, has been using the same charging port. The proprietary lightning port on every iPhone model released from 2012 would be replaced with the USB-C connector.

It is no longer possible for iPhone users to travel with two cables for their phones and other devices. Those using iPhones may lend chargers to Android users. Anyone with a newer laptop might lend chargers to others.

However, Apple did not respond to a request for confirmation and has not confirmed that the 2018 iPhones would have a USB-C charging port. Cynics think Apple modifies the ports on its products to increase revenue from its expensive cords.

For instance, in 2015, the Apple corporation began including USB-C chargers with MacBook notebooks. Jokes regarding the dongles needed to connect older accessories to the new computers were depicted. However, Apple has a program whereby an accessory makes access pay and generates revenue from its cords.